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Belleville Scottish 7:30 p.m. Info: Jan & Bill Cunningham 613-965-4212
Hamilton Irish Every second Tuesday at the Corktown pub, Hamilton. Irish Ceili and Set Dancing classes from 6:30–8:30 p.m. followed by a session of music and song. For more information email or phone 416-446-6993.
London London International Folkdance Experience (L.I.F.E.) The second and fourth Monday for every “indoor” meeting. June, July and August we dance outside.
Elmwood Avenue Presbyterian Church, located at
111 Elmwood Ave, from 1:30-3:00.
Heidi Williams
Israeli 3rd Wednesdays at Or Shalom Synagogue (gym) at Huron and Adelaide) at 7:30 p.m. Info: Heidi Williams 519-434-3580.
Napanee Scottish Market Square, 7:30 p.m. Info: Sheila Keller 613-393-2955 or Alex & Anne Currie 613-354-9504.
Ottawa Contras 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month,
English Country on the 1st and 4th Wednesdays, Ottawa English Country Dance Club. Orange Hall at 41 Rosemount Avenue. Call John Nash 613-831-1656,
Irish 1st Saturdays. St Brigid Church, 310 St Patrick St. 8 p.m. $7, includes snacks, dance lessons. Info: Brian Armstrong, 613-523-9702
Owen Sound Contras On Hold at this Time Dec 2022: Fiddlefern Dancers meet first Saturdays, varying callers, live bands. Kris 519-376-7955, ,
Toronto Cajun with Swamperella band every 3rd Saturday, Sept–June. Dance lesson 8:30 p.m., band 9:30 p.m., $7. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W., west of Dufferin. Info: 416-588-9227,
Contras Mainly Contras at Islington Seniors Centre, 4968 Dundas St. W., Various Sundays, Info: Ann Logan 905-709-924
Contras Toronto Contra Dancers Saturdays, see schedule below, 7-10:30 p.m. Basics at 7 p.m. $25 (Members $10). St. Barnabas Church Hall, 175 Hampton Ave., south of Danforth near Chester subway station. Info:

Toronto Contra dancers, will dance once a month until March, then 2x a month, at St. Barnabas on the Danforth.
Note that April 7 and 8, Dave Smukler is calling ECD on April 7, 2-5, and April 8, 2:30-4:30 at NUUC, Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 310 Danforth, followed by contra on april 8, 7-10:30 at St. Barnabas. Music for all 3 events is Susanne Maziarz and Daev Clysdale.

January 14th – Becky Liddle calling. Music Nathan Smith and Adam Shier
February 11th – Caller TBA, Mango Chaud Point on music
March 11th – Bev Bernbaum calling. Jonathan Cannon and Emily Wood on music
March 25th – double dance, with Bev Bernbaum calling.  see for details.
April 8th – David Smukler with Susanna Maziarz & Daev Clysdale
April 22 – Frank Francalanza with TBA

Toronto English Country Dance Assembly has monthly dances with live music, at Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 310 Danforth, entrance on Jackman, preregister at,
March 11, 2-4 pm, suggested donation $20-$25. Alan Rosenthal, Susan Bunting calling
April 7:  12 Dresses Good Friday dance, 2-5, with Dave Smukler, from Syracuse.  Suggested donation $30.
April 8;  workshop of favorite ECD dances, and why they are, 2-5 ,with Dave Smukler, suggested donation $25.
May 13, 2-4 pm. Walter Zagorski and Lorraine Sutton calling.  suggested donation $20.
Israeli Traditional and Classic Israeli with Teme and Yossi. Dates and location will be announced. Info: Teme 416-636-1881 ext. 4364,
Scottish RSCDS Toronto Scottish Country Dance Assn. Info: 416-410-7078,
Swing Dance Society 2nd & 4th Fri. at The Argonaut Rowing Club. 416- 638-TSDS or Lindy Hop info: Peter Renzland 416-323-1300, or
Sacred Circle For info (Can/U.S./U.K.), contact Brigitte Evering, 905-372-1834, or Barbara Herring, 519-923-6445 or
Square – Old Tyme To see all locations visit the Canadian Olde Tyme Square Dance Callers’ Assn. dance directory: or call Murray Smith at 519-372-9275.
Square – Modern Southern Ontario, call Ann Logan 905-709-9241.