OFDA's New Year Party

Tuesday December 31 
For complete information see FLYER.
Cost: Free to OFDA members, non-members $5



Virtual Events

Since these schedules may change, we suggest you contact the organizers to confirm details.

Sunday7-9 p.m. International Folk Dancing with Judy Silver, Toronto,
Canada.  Contact Judy at judy.silver@utoronto.ca to get the weekly ZOOM link.
MondayEvanston Dance–In person has resumed.
Hybrid/virtual sessions some Monday Evenings! 9:00-10:30 pm using Zoom
For schedule and links visit: https://sites.google.com/site/evanstonfolkdance/Home?pli=1Virtual dancing with Morristown Folk Dancers, twice each month on
1st and 3rd Monday evenings 7:30-10 pm Eastern time.
Link to the virtual dance party: tinyurl.com/MFDparties All are welcome!Surrey International Folk Dancers sessions are FREE and every
dance will be taught. The dances will be a mix of old, new, fast, slow,
complicated, simple, and everywhere in between, and from various
countries and in different styles. (4-6:30 p.m. EDT / 1-3:30 PDT)
To subscribe enter:  https://surreyfolkdance.org/subscribe/
TuesdayEvery week,  ROBERTO BAGNOLI, Israeli Dancing with requests
From 20.30 to 22.30 CEST
(2.30-4.30 pm EDT / 11.30 am-1.30 pm PDT)

Morristown Folkdancers, Wednesdays at 7:30 pm, in person,
but classes will still be offered as a live stream tinyurl.com/MFDlive

Balkan and International folk dances via Zoom. from 4-6 p.m. (Eastern time)
Presented by Burnaby International Folk Dancers, Vancouver.
ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/j/99504932576
Passcode: Bifd (Uppercase B, lower case ifd)
Meeting ID: 995 0493 2576.

Thursday7:50 p.m., International folk dancing with Riki Adivi.
For details:  rikiadivi@gmail.com
 Azeri dance lessons with Helene Eriksen Starting  April 2, 2020
Thursdays at 17:00 (5pm) PST (UST-8)
You can visit the Face book page HERE to
read about the whole project and see the incredible line-up of teachers.
You can register for  Thursday Azeri classes HERE.
 Every week, ROBERTO BAGNOLI,  Balkan Dances with requests 
From 20.30 to 22.30 CEST
(2.30-4.30 pm EDT / 11.30 am-1.30 pm PDT)
Friday9 p.m  Ethnic Dance Chicago (Paul) International Fridays, .
Contact for further info:
 9 p.m. Argonne (Linda and Jay)  International
Contact for further info:
Saturday2 p.m. Folk Arts Center of New England workshops
see web page for zoom links and teacher listings
 3-6 p.m.,  3rd Saturday of each month, Pacific Time,  Global Virtual Folk Dance Party by Peninsula
Folk Dance Council,  on Zoom, for details: https://www.facebook.com/PFDCouncil/

Additional Virtual Dance Classes

  • visit for additional listings of virtual folk dance classes:   https://daleadamson.com
  • Free classes from Ira Weisburd in Florida
    Monday at 7pm EST ISRAELI Dance Class
    Tuesday at 10:30 am EST  NULINE DANCE Class (starting in January)
    Thursday at 10:30am EST NULINE DANCE Workshop
    Thursday at 1pm EST ISRAELI Dance Workshop  (starting in January)
    Saturday at 1pm EST BALKAN & INTERNATIONAL Folk Dance Class
    They all take place on his youtube channel:  www.youtube.com/user/iraweisburd
  • Adapted Dances–pre-recorded on Facebook/Youtube dances for disabilities by Helen & Rita: