New Years 2012
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Italian Café Dec1, 2012.
Photos by Bev Sidney and Al  Katz .
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IFDC Judy’s Birthday Nov 23/12

Assyrian Café  Oct 13, 2012.
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OFDA’s AGM & Camp Review, June 2, 2012.
Photos by Al Katz.  
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Ontario Folk Dance Camp, Waterloo, May 2012.
Photos by Al Katz.
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International Dance Day, April 29, 2012.
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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Feria Upside-Down Event, April 28, 2012. 
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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OFDA Finnish/Scandinavian Café, March 31, 2012.
Photos by Allen Katz.Photos by Bev Sidney.
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Hungarian Csango Café, February 4, 2012.
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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Dancing in Richmond Hill 2012

Cecille Ratney’s 95th Birthday Party, December 29, 2011
Photos by Allen Katz.  Close window to exit.

Ukrainian Dance Café, November 26, 2011
Photos by Allen Katz, Judith Cohen and Bev Sidney
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Denis Bowman’s 80th Birthday Party, 2011, 
Photos by Conrad Stenton and Bev Sidney
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Guinea Dance Café, October 1, 2011
Photos by Bev Sidney
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Dancing in the Park, Hamilton, 2011
Hamilton Dancing in the Park, Waterfront bandstand near Williams Coffee Pub
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International Dance Day April 29, 2011 at IFDC
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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English Pub Cafe with Cathy Campbell
Photos by Bev Sidney and Al Katz.
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Kolos, Coffee and Confections celebration of Cozy Cafe and Bakery, March 12, 2011
photos by Bev Sidney and Al Katz
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First Nations Cafe, February 11, 2011
Photos by Bev Sidney, Al Katz and Judith Cohen
Video by Riki Advi
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New Years Party 2010
Photos by Al Katz
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York U Music Choir Dec 2010
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Portugese Cafe Nov 2010

IFDC Judy’s Birthday Nov 2010

Yves Moreau Workshop, Oct 30 2010
Photos by Bev Sidney, andAl Katz
Video by Leon Balaban.
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Mainwoods Camp 2010

Brazilian Café with Aline Morales, March 13, 2010
Photos by Al Katz and Bev Sidney
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Pickering Village Dancing Dec 2009 Photos by Bev Sidney.
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Judith’s Birthday Dec 2009 
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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New Year’s Eve Dec 2009
Photos by Al Katz andBev Sidney

IFDC workshop with Joe Graziosi,  Dec 5, 2008.
Photos by Bev Sidney and Rhoda Bodnoff .
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Albanian Cafe with Karen Bennett, Nov. 28. 2009.
Photos by Bev Sidney.
Video of Albanian Cafe by Leon Balaban.
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Olga Sandolowich’s 80th Birthday Party Nov. 27, 2009.
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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OFDA 40th anniversary banquet, October 17, 2009, 
Photos by Bev Sidney and David Trost.
Videos by Leon Balaban.
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Balkan Rhythm workshop with Judy Silver Sept 12, 2009.
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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OFDA Picnic at Whole Village in Caledon, June 20, 2009.
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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Waterloo Camp 2009
Additional Camp photos & More
Photos by Bev Sidney.
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Celebrating the Kurdish New Year with IFDC and Fethi Karakecili 
March 21, 2009
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Spanish Cafe Photos by Bev Sidney
March 14, 2009
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IFDC  farewell party for Murray & Lavinia
February 2009

Balkan Cafe with York University’s Balkan Ensemble, led by Irene Markoff
Watch videos #1#2#3#4:
Photos and videos by Leon Balaban
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International Dance Day at BJCC
April 29, 2009
Photos and video by Leon Balaban
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Rikudiyah 2009
Photos by Leon Balaban
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Israeli Dance workshop with Howie and Aliza March 7- 8, 2009
videos: #1 & #2
Photos and video by Leon Balaban.
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Israeli Dance workshop with Howie and Aliza March 7- 8, 2009
videos: #1 & #2
Photos and video by Leon Balaban.
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Bulgarian Cafe  Jan 09 with Katya and Ned Tilevi
Videos of the group dancingTran-Tran, Libe Le and  Grancharsko
Photos by Bev Sidney, video by Leon Balaban
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New Years 2008 
Photos by Bev Sidney and Leon Balaban
Video by Leon Balaban Clip #1  & Clip #2
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Romanian folk dance workshops in Hamilton and Toronto
Photos by Bev Sidney and Leon Balaban.
November 28 & 29, 2008
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Latvian Cafe
October 18, 2008
Photos by Bev Sidney

Final Party at the home of Dennis Bowman 
October, 2008

Dancing in the Park 2008
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OFDA Picnic
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June 22, 2008

Remembering Margaret 
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June 2008

Ontario Folk Dance Camp Photos, May 2008
Batch 1
Batch 2
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Fethi York U 2April2008

Indian Cafewith Rina Singha March 15, 2008
Photos by Bev Sidney
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Chai Dancers performing at OFDA Cafe Feb 2008
Photos by Bev Sidney and Leon Balaban
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Folk Dance Class at St.Martin-in-the-Fields Jan 2008
Photos by Bev Sidney
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OFDA New Year’s Party Dec, 2007
Photos by Bev Sidney
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IFDC Christmas Party Dec 2007
Photos by Bev Sidney
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Kurdish Dance Kafe with Fethi Karakecili  Dec 2007
Photos by Bev Sidney